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 مصطلح Flying food بالشرح والامثلة (سلسلة مصطلحات في الاخبار)	 Emptyالجمعة فبراير 20, 2015 7:23 am
المشاركة رقم:


إحصائية العضو

عدد المساهمات : 53140
نقاط : 159048
تاريخ الميلاد : 16/03/1991
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/03/2013
العمر : 33
الموقع : http://info-reading.blogspot.com/
مُساهمةموضوع: مصطلح Flying food بالشرح والامثلة (سلسلة مصطلحات في الاخبار)

مصطلح Flying food بالشرح والامثلة (سلسلة مصطلحات في الاخبار)

 مصطلح Flying food بالشرح والامثلة
 (سلسلة مصطلحات في الاخبار)

شرح مصطلحات من الاخبار بالملف الصوتي الخاص بها للاستماع والتحميل
مصطلحات اليوم خمس مصطلحات خاصة بالمطعم
مرفق اختبار مع الاجابة لتقييس مدى استيعابك للدرس

See Transcript  مصطلح Flying food بالشرح والامثلة (سلسلة مصطلحات في الاخبار)	 2288907817 

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's a flying waiter.

Due to a lack of staff, restaurateurs in Singapore have started to use drones to get food from the kitchens to the diners.

The robots fly over the heads of customers on paths charted by a computer.

But are these foodies ready for service without the human touch?


people who own or run restaurants

unmanned flying machines

people who eat in a restaurant

planned or mapped out

the human touch
being friendly and warm to other people


Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from news reports. Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence correctly.

restaurateurs / drone / diners / charted / the human touch

1. Locations of public toilets in the capital should be __________ in a map before 2012, according to a report.

2. __________ in Surrey have been targeted by thieves who broke into their cars parked in the grounds of a restaurant.

3. Asian __________ in Glasgow say they have invented a new curry that will become the nation's favourite dish.

4. "There is nothing wrong with making smarter use of technology to help people manage health conditions… However, it is always important to ensure technology is only used where it delivers real benefits and to recognise that it is no substitute for __________."

5. The Chinese manufacturer of a __________ that crashed into the White House lawn earlier this week is taking action to prevent repeat incidents.


1. Locations of public toilets in the capital should be charted in a map before 2012, according to a report.

2. Diners in Surrey have been targeted by thieves who broke into their cars parked in the grounds of a restaurant.

3. Asian restaurateurs in Glasgow say they have invented a new curry that will become the nation's favourite dish.

4. "There is nothing wrong with making smarter use of technology to help people manage health conditions… However, it is always important to ensure technology is only used where it delivers real benefits and to recognise that it is no substitute for the human touch."

5. The Chinese manufacturer of a drone that crashed into the White House lawn earlier this week is taking action to prevent repeat incidents.

لتحميل الملف الصوتي

لتحميل الدرس بصيغة pdf

المصدر: منتديات الياس عيساوي

توقيع : mydream

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